Sticky #25


This sticky may look familiar.  In fact, it is the same sticky that I put up last week, but with a few additions.  I said that these were the last dozen or so scenes from the book, and I was crossing them out as I wrote them.  I’m happy to say that on Thursday Night I finished writing Phooka Tales and drew my last line through the sticky!  The last scene ended up being lunch, instead of dinner, but I was still happy to be finished.

And now I’m going to go play with my new dog – a gift to myself for finishing the book!

Published by

Rebecca Enzor

Rebecca Enzor is an environmental chemist, freelance editor, and fantasy author in the Pacific Northwest, where she lives with her husband, two dogs, one cat, and sometimes chickens. Her articles on writing science in science fiction can be found in Writer's Digest "Putting the Science in Fiction". Obsessed with everything ocean, she studied fisheries biology in college and electrocuted herself collecting fish in a river, which inspired several key scenes in her debut novel, Speak The Ocean, out now with Reuts Publishing.

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