Hops The Dog Saved A Life Last Night

As many of you know, I used to work at a vet before I became a chemist. I still take all of my animals to this vet, and I’m working on building a new website for him, so we’re still pretty close. Last night around 8pm, the vet called. He needed an emergency blood transfusion for a dog that wasn’t going to make it, and he needed a big dog to lend the blood (he only has a small dog right now).

So I rushed Boudin and Hops to the vet, expecting Bou to be the donor. He gets so excited at the vet though (new friends! new smells!), and he’s a little bit smaller than Hops, so we decided to use Hops as the donor instead. She was such a good girl, and when she was done giving blood (and it was a LOT of blood), she laid down next to the sick dog until he started breathing normally again. I was so proud!


So this is a post to celebrate Hops. You can be sure she’s getting lots of treats today, and even the good spot on the couch 🙂

Short Hiatus

[tweetmeme source=”RebeccaEnzor” only_single=false https://rebeccaenzor.wordpress.com/2011/11/29/short-hiatus/]

It has come to my attention that I CANNOT do everything I need to in the next month. I still haven’t finished typing up Fie Eoin, I still haven’t written my query, I still haven’t sent the first 30 pages out for the contest I won, I still haven’t fixed the pacing issue that runs rampant throughout the novel. I still haven’t done any Christmas shopping, or bought a tree, or fixed the strand of lights outside that has gone out and left half of my roof dark. I’m so behind at work that yesterday I survived on nothing but coffee and wine (the wine was after work, of course). I haven’t posted in over a week – I’ve barely had time to check Twitter or G+ (and forget about Facebook – I haven’t seen my Page in weeks).

So, until I start querying in January I am officially On Hiatus! I’ll catch up with you guys when I can, and maybe even post the rest of the Festival FEF’s as a Yule treat 🙂

Until then, have a Blessed Yule.

Change Is Good

This isn’t an actual writing post, I just wanted to let you all know that the blog is going to be down for a while as I work on changing it around a bit. I’m getting rid of the website (that hasn’t worked in the past two months anyways, but I haven’t had time to figure it out) and putting everything on the blog instead. So if you come back in a few days and see a new layout, or new color scheme, or new pages that don’t have anything on them yet just relax and hang on – posting will be back to normal again soon (and I’ll have a scanner again in April, and we will have stickies!).

In the meantime, I’ll be posting every Thursday over on the Asiagoans group blog. And you can always find me on Twitter. See you soon, friends!

EDIT: to say HI! to all my fellow Crusaders! I’ll have the site up and ready again soon 🙂

A love story

I know that you guys are waiting with bated breath for the next installment of Lane’s Girl (you are, aren’t you?), but today instead of posting a story about adultery and death and trying to raise a child on your own I thought I would tell you another story.  A love story.  And tomorrow we’ll get back to Lane’s Girl, and the somewhat different love story there.

Once upon a time (because that’s how all good love stories start, right?) there was this girl.  Let’s call her Rebecca.  And she wanted to go off and have adventures and live life without worrying about anyone else.  There was also this boy – we’ll call him Lane.  Lane was already living his life without worrying about anyone else.  When Lane met Rebecca, he kind of scared her off at first, because she didn’t want to have to worry about him, but Lane was persistent and wouldn’t take no for an answer.  He very patiently helped Rebecca through a bad time in her life, when the adventures turned out to be more like stumbling through the dark, and taught her many things about who she was and what the world was like, and then he told her he loved her.  And Rebecca loved him too, for his patience and his kindness, and his fighting spirit.  So they grew together and helped one another and occasionally they didn’t see eye to eye, because two people never can all the time.   They had adventures and moved halfway across the country and had to learn to rely on only each other for a time, and their love grew and grew.  And then one day Lane asked Rebecca to marry him, and she said yes, of course.  And so they planned and they purchased and they invited their families and they got married.

And today they have been married for Four Years 🙂

And they will live happily ever after (because that’s how all good love stories end, right?)

Writing Meme, Day 29

29. How often do you think about writing? Ever come across something IRL that reminds you of your story/characters?

Seriously?  What kind of question is this?  I pretty much think of writing ALL THE TIME.  When I wake up in the morning is probably the quietest my brain will be all day, and by the time I shower it’s running full speed and I’m hanging on for dear life.  I like to have a cup of coffee with my characters if I’m having a quiet morning – we sing upbeat songs in the car on the way to work if it’s a loud morning.  If I’m not too busy at work I daydream about stories (or research things I need to know for my stories).  If I am too busy at work I daydream about stories, curse a bit, and then do all my work over again because I screwed up.  I try not to do this, since I work with pretty dangerous materials.

Anytime that I’m in the car is storylining time.  I keep two packets of stickies and four pens in my purse so I can at least find one of each and write down notes while sitting at stoplights.  I try to read and/or write a little bit each night, and usually go to bed storylining again.

Real life things always inspire me – lately it’s been the wisteria, and the extreme green of the trees after a rain shower in the morning, and the wind as a storm blows through.

Writing Meme, Day 15

15. Midway question! Tell us about a writer you admire, whether professional or not!

That’s easy.  Along with the list I wrote a few days ago, about my favorite authors/books, I would have to say the writer I admire most (and know in real life) is Jocelyn Rish.  She’s currently fighting it out (and doing really well) in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Contest (go read and review!) AND filming a movie based on a short story she wrote called Saying Goodbye.  She’s an amazing writer, always willing to help me out when I’m stuck, and you should really go check out her stuff.  Plus, she’s probably the sweetest girl you’ll ever meet.  So go!  Cheer her on!  Yay Jocelyn!

Writing Meme, Day 6

6. Where are you most comfortable writing? At what time of day? Computer or good ol’ pen and paper?

I’m comfortable writing just about anywhere, at any time, as long as I have a pen and paper.  For some reason I cannot find my inspiration sitting on a computer.  But toss me a notebook and a BIC and I’ll write my little heart out while draped over the arm of a couch or lying on a blanket at the beach or propped up in bed with the lights on low so my husband can sleep.  I’ve even been known to write on a sticky while sitting at a red light (more than I’d care to admit).

The only time I cannot write is in spring when it’s flower planting time 🙂  Then I just want to take a glass of wine or margarita outside and play in the dirt.  Speaking of which, I have more flowers to plant…

Writing Meme, Day 4

4. Tell us about one of your first stories/characters!

So you all know that I’ve been working on Fie Eoin for years, and that it was the first book-length original fiction I ever wrote.  But there is this little known book called “My Life With Pone” that predates Fie Eoin by, oh, about a decade.  I wrote/illustrated the Pone book in fourth grade for a city-wide writing contest.  It was about a My Little Pony named Pone (said “powne” not “ponee”) and our adventures together.  It was sort of… well… it’s what you would expect from a fourth grader writing about her invisible pony friend (I will note that Pone was my invisible pony friend in first and second grade – I was way too mature to have invisible friends by fourth grade ;P ).  In other words, it was crap.

I tried to write another book in middle school – about the week I spent at summer camp – and that was also crap.

I pretty much gave up trying to write in high school (I wrote some really bad poetry, though) because by that point I decided I was going to be the next great high-school-aged pop star.  American Idol wasn’t around back then, so it was kind of hard to break out if you didn’t have connections to Disney (this was when Britney and Christina first appeared).  Halfway through high school I discovered my love for science (I dissected a fish and it was love at first cut) and that was pretty much it for writing for a while.  While I continued to read like a mad-woman, I didn’t re-discover my love of writing until halfway through college, when I also re-discovered My Little Pony.

You see, Ebay is an amazing (and dangerous) thing.  I was searching for a movie for my boyfriend at the time (now my husband) that he used to watch as a kid.  So while perusing children’s videos I came across the My Little Pony movie.  I immediately thought of Pone.  I searched all over the web for her, having thoroughly forgotten what she looked like.  While searching for Pone, I found something called Dream Valley SIM – a role-playing MLP game.  I was a bored college student with a long-distance boyfriend and a large procrastination drive so I joined and wasted away my nights writing once again about Pone and her adventures.  I had so much fun that I joined a few more of these writing-based role-playing games, honing my writing skills (which were pathetic) while I wasted away the hours.  I went from MLP to X-men (I played Monet and Rogue, as well as some original characters) before I finally discovered Fie Eoin.

Of course, you’re never going to see any of those stories.


Oh, guys.  I’ve broken down and made myself a Twitter account.  I thought this would be a good time to do it, because now I can post each question to next month’s Writing Meme each day, with a link to the blog for the answers.  Now I just have to remember to update Twitter everyday too.  But seriously, if you like SNS, and you already follow along (or would like to start following along), add me on Twitter and I’ll let you know when a new post has gone up, or when I have anything bookish on my mind.  I know the stickies don’t go up often (one could argue that they don’t even go up on a regular basis, and one would be sometimes right) but I’ll try to post little tidbits of each story as I work on them.  I have a feeling this Twitter thing will be very useful for the stuff I deem not worthy enough for the blog.


Sticky #49


So two weeks ago I had a writing group meeting, and one of the girls who came to the meeting had a really old chapter of Fie Eoin to give back to me.  We’re talking, Chapter Two.  And while not much has changed from the Chapter Two that I gave her to the present Chapter Two, one of her questions really threw me for a loop.  You see, the Obsidians attack Fie Eoin in Chapter Two – it’s been that way from the very start of the book several years ago.  And her simple question was: why? 

I couldn’t really answer that question. 

I thought I had an answer, but really thinking on it made me realize that my answer is pretty darn loose.  And that got me to thinking about other parts of the book that weren’t as tight as they could be.  Like the part where Pike attacks Fie Eoin with a band of Nomads.  There is no way that the Nomads would win as the book is written, because there just aren’t enough of them and they aren’t highly trained warriors like those of Fie Eoin.  So there needs to be something else, and since this current re-write has Kindra spitting in the face of the Obsidian Chief his men might just be persuaded to come along and teach her a lesson.  It’s just too bad she’s so darn thick-headed.  She doesn’t learn her lessons very well.